Thursday, July 10, 2008

Update - 07/20/08

We have slowed down a little bit, but I'm thinking things will pick up soon.

In the interim, I have researched a little bit about how people are finding me. To the right, a little further up, you'll notice I have listed all of the blogs that have been sending traffic my way. I owe all of you a huge thank you. Especially considering the fact that I've never even met most of you!

I also want to thank everyone who has passed this link on through email. I haven't yet found a way to track that, but I know there have been a great many people - again, most of whom I have not met - who have decided to hit the forward button. For that I am extremely thankful as well.

Now, here is why I am thinking traffic should pick up again soon: Our local paper ran this (click here to view) on the front page of the Business section. So... Welcome Daily Times readers! Do you need a Land Development Project Manager?


Kelly Hill said...

I find that it doesn't really matter if you've met a person or not.... we're designed to be compassionate and to help each other. I believe that's our divine role in life. Stories like yours, and the amount of kindness you've enjoyed so far, restore my faith in humanity. Your story has uplifted me. That makes me want to uplift others.

Good luck on Thursday!!

NK said...

I hope all of your hard work, dedication and creativity will finally pay off!

John said...

Kelly and nk, thank you so much for your support. It helps keep our spirits up, and really does help to encourage our faith in people as well.

LetterWriter said...

Dude that's awesome. Good luck to you man. I'm going to tell my friend (a broker of sorts in the construction industry) to check you out and we'll see if he knows of anyone looking for help.

John said...

Angela, thanks for passing my information along. I really appreciate your help!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I'm sending good vibes and wishes your way.

John said...

Thanks, Cstironkat!